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tv   ABC7 News at 12A on KOFY  KOFY  May 24, 2012 12:00am-12:30am PDT

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campaign stops tonight and another will happen tomorrow. when he leaves he will put roughly $3 million in the war chest. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkly. leslie? >> what a night down here. the presidential motorcade left a half an hour ago. it cleared out with all of the secret service. it touched on everything including an american dream of college education and a highly controversial topic of birth control. >> higher education is not a luxury. it is a necessity of this new global economy everybody should be be able to afford it and get this chance. that's why i am running for president. i want women to control their own health care choices like i want my daughters to have the same opportunity for my son. we are not rolling back the
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clock. >> there were many standing ovations during the president's 30-minute speech at this soldout venue where tickets went from $250 on up to $7500 for a photo op. hundreds lined up for a look at the motorcade. many were protesters and also rspporters. >> a lot of people are spending thousands of dollars to see the president. we think it is the people who can't afford a ticket. >> a groroup called raging grannies have their own message for the president. >> we like you and we are voting for you, but there is more you have to do. >> and for some it boiled down to this. >> why do you come down today? >> to see the president. we wanted the kids to witness it. >> do you have a question you wanted to ask the president? >> does he like dinasaurs? >> i don't think the president
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got a chance to answer him. but there was every age-group and every group participating. quite a scene inside this very beautiful art deco theater. they were munching on popcorn as they watched the president speak. it was the first time a president has come to redwood city since herbert hoover. reporting live in redwood city, leslie brinkly, abc news. >> thanks, leslie. and speaking in redwood city, the president attended a fundraiser at the atherton home of doug and lisa goldman. the guests paid $36,000 a plate. silicon valley of monthers and shakers mixed with actors and musicians. in all of this the bay area is expected to raise about $3 million for the president's re-election. and president obama will spend the night in san jose tomorrow momomomorning. he will meet with the asian american pacific islander at the faremont hotel. we will have continuing
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coverage on the bay area campaign on the abc morning news at 4:30. >> while the president was in redwood city, a strange and dangerous situation there. not far from where the president was speaking. alan wang is live with developing news. alan? >> dan, we are about half a mile away from the theater where the president was to appear. el camino real was closed down and people were lining the streets when police say a vehicle drove on to the road they tried to stop it, but the driver took off heading southbound in thehe northbobound lane of el camino real. a collision course with the president's motorcade. witnesses say he struck a poll and then veered into the southbound lane and almost striking the amateur photographer who shot this
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video. police say the driver was arrested for dui. the secret service is trained to recognize the diversionary tactics that could lead to an attack on the president. but that did not happen and the motorcade drive by -- drove by with no problelelelems. >> abc7 news. t>>ou, alan. an unusual scene there. john baner ao me to the bay area to pick up s some campaign cash. the ohio republican went t to a fundraisesser. they went from $1,000 to $35,000. congressman dan lund grin co-h-h-hosted the event. moving on, new information into the missing teenagager sierra lamar. we are learning about the
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accused man and his pass. we go to morgan hill to the search center. >> good evening. garcia torororres is expected to make his first court appearance tomorrow, and tonight we are learning more about the man accused of kidnapping and killing 15-year-old sierra lamar. they are expected to talk more about the evidence recovered and how it lead to garcia torres tomorrow afternoon. that's when he makes his first court appearance with the public defender assigned to the case. dna evidence links garcia torres to sierra's disappearance and her murder. the sheriff's office was watching garcia torres for two months before they arrested him. and now there is new information about the suspect's familyy h h h history. garcia torres' father is in jail suspected it of sexual abuse. his brother died of alcoholism. >> i just pray that he released information to help
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find sierra. >> sierrrra's family and 200 volunteers are holding to the hope that sierra is still alive. they fanned out on a renewed sesearch tododay, and a sheriffs dive team looked again in the reservoir for a body. >> me as a parent i wouldn't give up until either her body is found alive or dead. but i am hoping she is alive. >> reporter: there is a concert and fundraiser scheduled for friday, and the next volunteer search is next wednesday. in morgan hill, nick smith, abc7 news. >> thank you, nick. developing news, strong, gusty winds are blowing through much of the bay area tonight. those high winds complicated fire fighting efforts east of a fire. it burned along highway 28 in ee area of eastern sonoma county before being brought under control. the cause is under investigation. high winds are just as strong
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along the coast. this was bodega bay this afternoon. you can see the white caps on the water.r. wind surfers did not mind this at all. meteorologist sandhya patel will be along with more on the winds in the forecast -- and the forecast that includes a chance of rain. hewlet packard confirmed the biggest layoff in 73 years. the paloto-based company is cutting 27,000 jobs, that's 8% of the workforce worldwide. it is seen as a sign thhat it can't compete with the smart phones and tablets and other devices that those cuts could save hp $3.5 billion a year. amid charges of insider trading the banking committee is reviewing facebook's public offering. they report that just before the ipooo morgan stananley and other investment babanks told select clients that facebobook shares were over valued. facebook was slapped with a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of small investors who
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took the hit as facebook faded. one analyst compared facebook to an overly ambitious athlete. >> i i i it would be a week end warrior tennis player. i hit a good shot once in awhihile. i am good at wimbledon. i will take a shot off roger fedderrer. wall street is the same thing. bigger investors get better information. > theyyy have not commented since friday. facebook shares finished at $32. the ipo price was $38. mark zuckerberg is down about $3 billion. facebook is reportedly considering moving from the tech heavy nasdaq exchange where e it had opening troubles to the new york stock exchange. dan noyen back tonight with more of his exclusiveeeee conversationonon withh eliana lz in c caracas,, venezuela. >> tonight we are hearing from eliana and her husband.
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>> dying to be able to reunite and repair and rebuild. >> i asked the question we all want to know, is she coming back to san francisco? >> plus firefighters battle a fire on a nuclear attack submarine. and then late other "nightline." >> carolyn and dan, coming up next on "night line" an extreme boarding school for teens desperate to drop the weight. we follow three high schoolers in a battle to save their own lives.
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tonight san francisco's suspended ross mercurima and his wife are firing back from those who are trying to remove him from office. >> they gave interviews to the i team and dan noyes and he is here tonight with the story. dan? >> dan and carolyn, it was a case lopez did not want to pursue, and her husband says should not be an issue for his job as san francisco sheriff. tonight we hear from them both about the terrible impact the scandal is having on their
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family. >> when i met lopez in her hometown on saturday she told me leaving the spotlight was having a huge weight lifted off her shoulder goos i a lot of people think you are not coming back. >> i think san francisco has not been nice with me. >> she struggled as a new mother with a work-aholic husband. he was sheriff this year. she longed for her hometown and the security of her family. the tensioned bubbled over new year's eve. ross cut short a drive to get pizza because of an argument. >> i grabbed her arm. i caused a bruise. i will always regret that and will always be sorry for that. >> the moment i said stop he immediately apologized, and he realized that was wrong. we were talking and i said we
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need therapy. we need help. >> before the couple could go for counseling the scandal exploded. eliana said her big mistake was trusting her neighbor with the story. >> whose idea was it to make the video? >> her idea. >> it was her idea? >> yes. >> through an attorney madison said eliana never asked for h to remain confidential. madison called police and turned over the video showing a bruise on her arm in response to a search warrant. >> when the police called me, they asked me, are you afraid? of course no. i am here making lunch for him. i am not afraid of anything. actually if i want to go, i can go. if i want to call the police, i will call the police. >> still prosecutors charged him with domestic violence battery. he pled down to misdemeanor false imprisonment, and then mayor ed le suspended the sheriff without pay and asked the ethics commission to fire him. he is now preparing his
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defense. >> with that conviction for a low-level misdemeanor, that does not at all intib bit -- inhibit me from being an effective sheriff. >> they are also dealing with the remnant of the criminal case. the judge imposed a restraining order that neither of them wanted. >> is it painful? yes. but i want them to be happy. >> so eliana and their three-year-old son are in caracas, but he misses ross badly and cries often for him. >> last night he said. >> one day i will open the -- last night he said "one day i will open the door and daddy is going to be there." >> when the scandal first broke and they did not allow visitation for them, the boy broke out in a rash. >> i ran to the hospital and called the doctor. they told me this is allergies
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and this is an emotional thing for him. >> emotional? >> this is ay motional. >> because of the separation? >> i think so. that has stopped. we went to the court and said theo needs to see his dad. >> and now theo has daily visits from his dad by skype. >> do you think that is a daddy horse or mommy horse? >> a daddy. >> a daddy horse, okay. >> it is my lifeline. i regulate my whole day in anticipation of having that contact with our son. >> the family is bracing for the next blow. mayor ed lee is pressing for the bruise video to be released to the commission and the public. eliana can't imagine it being on the internet. >> is it really right to released the video?
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looks like it works for them. >> eliana says she can't even think about repairing her marriage until the ethics commission plays out and the restraining order gets lifted. >> the big question everybody wants to know is are you coming back to san francisco? >> i don't know yet. i think, how i tell you, we are daddy and mommy. that is going to be forever. >> do you see a future with ross? >> it is hard to tell. we don't know if he will get back his job. >> do you still love him? >> i still love my family. i will do whatever i can help my family. >> i have several other aspects of the case that i plan on checking out. if you have a tip on any investigation e-mail me through our i team page or call 1-888-40i team.
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>> good work. a fire on board a nuclear submarine injured four people. the injuries were minor. th uss miami was on the ship yard. its nuclear reactor was not on-line at the time and it was not damaged. no weapons were aboard either. most of the crew was evacuated. the cause of the fire is under investigation. coming back here, when will the wind die down? >> sandhya patel is here with some answers for us. >> how about late friday and heading into the weekend? i know the winds are going to stick around. they are dialing down, but they will pick back up tomorrow afternoon. right now sfo is gusting to 31 miles an hour. earlier we had gusts to 52 miles an hour. that was the highest. you can see most of the areas the winds are dropping off. still going over the higher elevations.
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temperatures in the 50s and we still have a few 60s around concord and antioch. it was a little cooler today. the winds played a role in the cooler conditionss and the cooling is going to continue. clear and breezy tonight. windy and cool the next two days. we are looking at a slight chance of showers for your friday. we'll show you the computer animation. you'll see what i am talking about. here is the satellite and the radar. the pressure difference between the two is pretty sharp. and that is what produced the strong winds this afternoon. earlier in the day as well. we will continue to see the windy conditions as i mentioned. tomorrow as another low drops down and approaches the coastline, it is a cold upper level low for this late in the season. tomorrow it is sunny and windy , but what is going to happen on friday is this low will starts to move closer to the bay area. we will see a possibility of a few showers. know is a possibility in the
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sierra nevada. believe it or not south lake tahoe received snow in may. on average they can get four days of snow. a few inches at best. tahoe if you are going camping and hiking, friday do look out for snow showers mixed with rain. 46 degrees. on saturday, sunday, monday, you will start to notice the temperatures going up each and every day. partly cloudy for saturday and sunday. and on monday it is going to be sunny and 70 degrees. certainly a possibility of snow on friday. now, the overnight readings in the upper 40s to the mid50s. just a few patches of fog first thing in the morning. it will be breezy, so you will want to definitely take a sweater and jacket. tomorrow we are going with a windy forecast and a cooler day. 72 in santa rosa and napa. 69 in san rafael. 67 in oakland. head out toward the inland valleys and the temperatures will run cooler than normal. 76 antioch.
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upper 60s fremont and san jose 66 on the peninsula and 67 in half moon bay. for the monterey bay, windy and sunniment 70 in santa cruz and 73 in gilroy. and here is a look at the forecast for the golden gate bridge. it is the 75th anniversary. sunday morning clear and 58 degrees. as the festival gets underway 62. nighttime for the fire, woulds 58 degrees. ideal conditions for the golden gate celebration. slight chance of showers and you can see it is a warming trend for the weekend for memorial day and beyond that. mike will be in and let you know of any possible updates to the computer models with regards to the showers. >> thank you, sandhya. the giants are going for a sweep in the one place barry zito has never won. >> larry beil is up next with
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barry zito. >> he does not do well in milwaukee. an uphill climb. down 8-0 before the faithful in milwaukee had even downed their first bratwurst of the day. home of the rally banana. zito win less in eight starts in milwaukee. this didn't help. it is a bunt and zito throws high to first. the first of two giant errors in that first frame. ramirez makes zito pay. this is a 3-run double. it was 6-1 after 1. the second inning was not better. zito grooves one and that is batting practice right there. 2-1 homer and zito was yanked after three and allowed eight runs. giants to their credit did not just roll over and die. bases loaded in the third for hector sanchez. a double closes the gap, but the giants struck out 15 times in this game. francisco rodriguez and two men aboard. brewers aboard being swept and giants in miami tomorrow. the a's and the angels, they win extras today. we'll have that and the quakes mixing it up with beckham.
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[ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood. [ male ♪ nouncer ] transformers. the ride. ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right ♪ ♪ if being right means being without you ♪ [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, 100% whole grain oats...
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yesterday and three more today. it is hard to beat anybody with four hits in two games. the a's and angels and that's my analysis. a little afternoon delight. he had his best stuff toying with pujols. they say she stingy 1k3* kurt susie key one -- kurt suzuki. he allows one hit in the third. here it comes and there it gois. this ball left a vapor trail behind. they go all wait to the 11th and alberto and that did it. angels victoria and the a's are off tomorrow and host the yankees this weekend. who says there is no scoring in soccer?


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